
Pine Tree Opportunities for Everybody!

Note: you cannot order the sample pine trees from me as they are sold by their respective owners 🙇🏻‍♀️

Customize your own pine tree a.k.a bike freshener 😊 Show off your favorite scent or brand on your saddle 😉

Orders for this specific design are collated every 15th and 30th of the month (this allows me to process single orders without much waste on materials and time).

Free shipping for orders with more than 20 pieces (Just type PINE upon checkout)* 💯
Discounted rates apply to orders of more than 10 pieces. (Just type PBULK upon checkout)💰

Free cord hangers and locks, and stickers for every order!! <3 <3 :*

Please input your text for top and bottom on the notes area on the checkout page
(basic font applies unless your own design image is provided at [email protected])

Top text: Sunshine Riders
Bottom text: Solar Sweat

*Free shipping for >20 pieces is only for standard shipment option